There was an article posted a few days ago about a church that had the sound equipment stolen for...
REVIEW: Vacation Spot. Cambridge, Maryland
My wife and I have never really been vacation people. Not really. I mean, we’ve taken a few vacations...
How to clean a fish
The Colonel — his real name is Frank but we all know him as The Colonel — lives across the...
There is a great quote by Robert Heinlein that goes, “Every generation thinks they invented sex.”...
How to Make Acorn Pancakes
When I was a kid, my all-time favorite book — and I mean all-time favorite — was a novel...
How to change your spark plugs
History Believe it or not, there is actually a great deal of controversy surrounding who actually...
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10 old technologies to never throw away
There is one thing about consumer technology that has always confused me. Let’s say you have a toaster....
How to cook a pizza on the grill
My backyard grill is one of my all time favorite personal possessions. In fact, if I could keep only...
How to remove a tick
My son Alex is a bonafide tick magnet — not a chick magnet, but a tick one; which at 17 years old...
How to Split Wood With an Axe
For the first twelve years of my life — from 1962 until 1974 — I lived in this amazing place...
Father’s Day
When Edwin De Morier accidentally knocked the oil lamp onto the barn floor — this would have been...
The lost art of eye contact
My son’s best friend practically grew up at our house. He eats here a few times a week. He sleeps over...