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The bomb shelter diet
Klaus Fuchs was extremely smart. He was born in 1911, in Rüsselsheim, Germany, and from a very young age...
How to build a fire.
Barbara Streisand, Ricky Gervaise, Daniel Radcliffe, Tina Fey and Barbara Walters. What do they all have...
You Choose
In Oneonta, New York, on the corner of Main and Church Street, there once sat a bar called Red’s...
For a few months, in 1985, Kirk and I were in Boston. Starving. Well, probably not medically starving,...
There was an article posted a few days ago about a church that had the sound equipment stolen for...
REVIEW: Vacation Spot. Cambridge, Maryland
My wife and I have never really been vacation people. Not really. I mean, we’ve taken a few vacations...
There is a great quote by Robert Heinlein that goes, “Every generation thinks they invented sex.”...
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10 old technologies to never throw away
There is one thing about consumer technology that has always confused me. Let’s say you have a toaster....
Father’s Day
When Edwin De Morier accidentally knocked the oil lamp onto the barn floor — this would have been...
The lost art of eye contact
My son’s best friend practically grew up at our house. He eats here a few times a week. He sleeps over...